Magazine for diabolo pellets in 4,5 mm caliber, with a drum capacity of 7 shots. The magazine stably sits on the breech, while providing easy handling from right sides. The assembly of the magazine does not require any changes in the breech block, just put on it. It can be easily slide right to be loaded with pellets. Dedicated to SMK Artemis / Kandar breech with an original magazine and without an original magazine. This magazine is gentle on pellets.
for SMK Artemis PR900W/ CR600W / Kandar CP1
in caliber .177 (4,5
Magazine for diabolo pellets in .177 (4,5 mm) caliber, with a drum capacity of 7 shots. The magazine stably sits on the breech, while providing easy handling from right sides. The assembly of the magazine does not require any changes in the breech block, just put on it. It can be easily slide right to be loaded with pellets. Dedicated to SMK Artemis / Kandar breech with an original magazine and without an original magazine. This magazine is very gentle on pellets.
Rotating Cartridge
manual movement with ease that gives an excellent control over the
rotation speed and prevents the pellets from bouncing off after
landing in the port.
Drum with Profiled Points
points provide comfortable rotation even when wearing gloves.
Flat design: The
low overall height (18 mm) allows mounting with optics on medium
mounting (minimum 18,5 mm in height).
White Numbering for Accurate Pellet Countdown
will always know how many pellets are left without taking your eyes
off the sights.
matt black
Weight: 17.7 g
Materials: PLA
20 mm
Height: 18 mm
to the US are moving longer than to the Europe.
The average
delivery time to the North and South Americas is around 19 business
We are looking for a faster delivery method ...
Rotating Cartridge
movement with ease that gives an excellent control over the rotation
speed and prevents the pellets from bouncing off after landing in the
Drum with Profiled Points
points provide comfortable rotation even when wearing gloves.
Flat design: The
low overall height (18 mm) allows mounting with optics on medium
mounting (minimum 18,5 mm in height).
White Numbering for Accurate Pellet Countdown
will always know how many pellets are left without taking your eyes
off the sights.
Color: matt
Weight: 17.7 g
Materials: PLA
Length: 20
Height: 18 mm
to the US are moving longer than to the Europe.
The average
delivery time to the North and South Americas is around 19 business
We are looking for a faster delivery method ...
Magazine for SMK Artemis PR900W/ CR600W / Kandar CP1 in caliber .177 (4,5 mm)
- Product Code: CP1 4,5
- Availability: 29